ok, few days ago i bougth from amazon a sunfounder kit with a lot of diy (this one). This kit has a lot of things: a breadboard bigger, a DC motor, an LCD, some LEDs and other things that i don't know what they do...
One of this things is a Buzzer...
since no one asks me i write it anyway. A buzzer is an audio signaling device (thanks wikipedia). This is the buzzer:
the buzzer has 2 pins one more longer (positive pin) the the other (the negative pin)
What i want to do is let the buzzer play sound.
what i need?
This is the PNP transistor:
this transistor has 3 pins, a collector pin (the ground), the base pin and the emitter pin.
first of all we need to place the buzzer on the breadboard. Use a wire to connect the positive pin to the 5v pin on the Raspberry GPIO.
Then place the PNP transistor on breadboard. Use a wire to connect collector pin of transistor to ground pin on raspberry GPIO.
Connect the emitter pin of transistor to negative pin of the buzzer.
Last step is to place a resistor on base pin of transistor and connect it trougth a wire on the GPIO with pin 17.
This is my schema:
and this is a photo
ok now it's time to select the next music on the playlist:
ok now we can code. The code is very simple, it's like the code we used for switch on/off a led. The new thing is that there is a loop to let play on/off the buzzer. Nothing new. So take this:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
BeepPin = 17 # Pin Port
def setup():
GPIO.setup(BeepPin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(BeepPin, GPIO.HIGH)
def loop():
while True:
GPIO.output(BeepPin, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(BeepPin, GPIO.HIGH)
def destroy():
GPIO.output(BeepPin, GPIO.HIGH)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'Press Ctrl+C to exit program...'
except KeyboardInterrupt:
and this is a video of the result:
One of this things is a Buzzer...
since no one asks me i write it anyway. A buzzer is an audio signaling device (thanks wikipedia). This is the buzzer:
the buzzer has 2 pins one more longer (positive pin) the the other (the negative pin)
What i want to do is let the buzzer play sound.
what i need?
- an active buzzer
- some wires
- a transistor pnp
- one resistor
This is the PNP transistor:
this transistor has 3 pins, a collector pin (the ground), the base pin and the emitter pin.
first of all we need to place the buzzer on the breadboard. Use a wire to connect the positive pin to the 5v pin on the Raspberry GPIO.
Then place the PNP transistor on breadboard. Use a wire to connect collector pin of transistor to ground pin on raspberry GPIO.
Connect the emitter pin of transistor to negative pin of the buzzer.
Last step is to place a resistor on base pin of transistor and connect it trougth a wire on the GPIO with pin 17.
This is my schema:
and this is a photo
ok now it's time to select the next music on the playlist:
ok now we can code. The code is very simple, it's like the code we used for switch on/off a led. The new thing is that there is a loop to let play on/off the buzzer. Nothing new. So take this:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
BeepPin = 17 # Pin Port
def setup():
GPIO.setup(BeepPin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(BeepPin, GPIO.HIGH)
def loop():
while True:
GPIO.output(BeepPin, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(BeepPin, GPIO.HIGH)
def destroy():
GPIO.output(BeepPin, GPIO.HIGH)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'Press Ctrl+C to exit program...'
except KeyboardInterrupt:
and this is a video of the result:
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