so, you have nothing to do on this afternoon? Good, you can waste your time doing this: a simple fade in/ fade out effects with your christmas red led...
What you need:
- Arduino Uno
- Led
- Some cables
- Resistor 220 ohm
The fade in/fade out effect is realized through the Pulsar-Width Modulation (PWM) that according wikipedia is :
"a method of reducing the average power delivered by an electrical signal, by effectively chopping it up into discrete parts"
The connection is this:
- GND (Arduino) -> Resistor -> LED (short leg)
- PIN 9 (Arduino) -> LED (the other leg)
You can follow this schema
int LED = 9;
int msDelay = 5; //ms
void setup() {
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// PWM from 0 to 255 (fade in)
for(int pwmValue = 0; pwmValue <= 255; pwmValue++){
analogWrite(LED, pwmValue);
// PWM from 255 to 0 (fade out)
for(int pwmValue = 255; pwmValue >= 0; pwmValue--){
analogWrite(LED, pwmValue);
Now your afternoon has more sense....
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