[Arduino] Tilt Sensor


time ago my brother give to me a set of sunfounder sensors. In this box, among different "i-don't-know-what-they-do" sensors there is a sensor with a small glass in with inside there is a small mercury ball.

Looking on google seems that this sensor is a "Tilt Switch" that should recognize when is upside-down.

Ok, do something with it....

Today we will do a VERY VERY VERY VERY usefull project using this tilt switch sensor that when is upside down it switch on a led.... (mhhh.... very very usefull)

What we need:

The connection is this:

  • Tilt Sensor GND --> Arduino GND
  • Tilt Sensor VCC --> Arduino 5V
  • Tilt Sensor Output PIN --> Arduino Digital Pin 2
  • LED GND --> 220 ohm resistor --> Arduino GND
  • LED Positive PIN --> Arduino Digital Pin 9

And this is the schema using fritzing:

this is the code:

const int tiltPin = 2;
const int LED =  9;      

int tiltState = 0;         
void setup() 
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(tiltPin, INPUT);
void loop() 
  // read tilt switch value:
  tiltState = digitalRead(tiltPin);
  if (tiltState == HIGH) 
    // turn LED on:
    digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
    // turn led off:
    digitalWrite(LED, LOW);

and this is what we have done:

very very very usefull....
