Simple Soil Moisture with Raspberry


after a long long long long long long time, i'm here again traying to do some stupid things with raspberry.

What i have done today is to implement a soil moisture to check if my plants need water. What we need is:

  • Raspberry (i used Raspberry Pi 3)
  • Soil moisture sensors (check it on Amazon)
  • Some cables

The schema to implement is this:

Connect cables in this way:
  • 5V (Raspberry) --> VCC (sensor)
  • GND (Raspberry) --> GND (sensor)
  • GPIO21 (Raspberry) --> DO (SIGNL on sensor)
almost simple.

And now this is the python code you can use to check signal coming from sensor:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import datetime
channel = 21
GPIO.setup(channel, GPIO.IN)

# infinite loop
while True:

        msg = ""

        if GPIO.input(channel):
                # Input is high
                msg = str( + " - No Water Detected!"
                print msg
                # Input is low
                msg = str( + " - Water Detected!"
                print msg

        f = open("soil_moisture.log""a")

This is how it looks like:

Stay tuned for next projects!!
